Thursday, January 08, 2009

The green and red of Mayo for an Exchange Student

For those who live in such a distance country, in such different culture, it's really tough to decide to move abroad to become an exchange student.... but I did it! And I'm pleased because of that, it's by far the most amazing experience a youngster can have.

We do face lots of hassles in this journey, but it couldn't be more rewarding. It's been 9 months now and I visited 12 countries - 17 cities, ate lots of delicious food, and the best of all, met hundreds of people. People I may never see again, but who made each moment worthwhile. (More about my exchange student life, click here)

Few weeks before I leave Sao Paulo, I was driving my car through one of the biggest avenues of the city, which is alongside Pinheiros River. I was listening to this song, when I stopped a second to listen to the lyrics.

Oh the Green and Red of Mayo
I can see it still
It's soft and craggy bog lands
It's tall majestic hills
Where the ocean kisses Ireland
And the waves caress its shore...

Hey... Did he say Ireland? I rewarded the song a few seconds and listened it again. Yes, he did! He said the name of the country where I'm going to spend my next 12 months.

On that day, when I got back home, I researched about the band and found out that they were Irish.

I love some of their some, some others not much, but this song is definitely part of my soundtrack!

Find more about The Saw Doctors at

On my birthday last year, I went for one of their concerts, fantastic.... and it carries another story...

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